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Blue Mind

An effort that connects art and conservation

Through Blue Mind, we want to create a deep connection between individuals and the oceans to inspire them to contribute positively to their conservation and care. Blue Mind is an invitation to connect with our oceans, it is an opportunity to give back to the most important source of life and balance on our planet.

Through the lens of our photographers, we want to share with you 20 powerful images that reflect a little of the love and passion we feel for our oceans and thus inspire you not only to take home a magnificent art collection, but to be a drop in the transformation of the oceans.

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Be the drop for an ocean change

The first edition of a unique book, with extraordinary photographs and success stories in sustainability, this effort by Índigo Life and Artevivo presents you the opportunity: Be the drop for an ocean change

Blue Mind is innovation, from its case lined with the Be-leaf leaf, the incredible photos of talented artists, and its clever stories that carry a positive and different message.

Artevivo and Indigo Life

Indigo Life is a foundation dedicated to improving ocean health through positive messages and concrete action. It focuses on education, stopping marine pollution, and restoring key ecosystems such as mangroves.

Artevivo and Indigo believe in the power of positive messages, art, and stories as engines of change, and above all in creating and taking action to detonate it.

This alliance has led to the creation of a unique product, a book that unites wonderful photographs and stories of success in socio-environmental sustainability that connect us with the oceans. An effort that invites all lovers of art and/or the sea to be the drop to achieve an ocean change.

The proceeds from the sale of our book BLUE MIND will help to spread education about ocean health, circularity, and restore key ecosystems, as well as support blue carbon efforts.

Join Blue Mind and receive a collection of incredible photographs and success stories in sustainability that will make you revive that flame to conserve one of the most important resources on Earth.

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About our artists

Sigrid Beckmann and Susana Portillo are passionate about our Ocean and are committed to its protection. With their talent, they intend to remind us of our love for the Ocean.

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